Taylor Felix Q&A

Photo is from Taylor’s Instagram

Photo is from Taylor’s Instagram

Welcome back to my Q&A series! Today, I will be sharing my interview with Taylor Felix. Taylor is a digital host and reporter for FOX Sports West. I had the privilege of seeing Taylor and her co-host Carrlyn Bathe in action during my internship with FOX Sports West my senior year. I have learned so much from Taylor and her role has definitely shaped my career! We talked about how she got her start with FOX Sports West, improving on camera, her new series “Taylor’s Table” and much more. Enjoy!

1.     What made you realize that you wanted to pursue a career in sports?

As a dancer, I’ve always been on the sidelines for sporting events. Then I became a USC Song Girl and had the privilege to perform in the historic Coliseum, it was a feeling that I never wanted to lose. I figured the best way to stay involved in sports and feel that adrenaline rush was to continue to stay on the sidelines, in a different role, as a broadcaster.  

2.     You were selected out of 600 candidates to be a FOX Sports West girl when you were at USC. What was the biggest thing you learned from that role? 

Wow! I learned a lot from that role. It was incredibly formative for my career because it was my first real exposure to sports broadcasting and being a part of a network as big as FOX Sports.  This is where I was given my first on-air opportunity.  I was introduced to so many wonderful people that I still work with today and I learned what it really takes to pursue a career in sports. It came with many highs and lows; I remember I missed all of the festivities the night before my USC graduation because I was working a Kings game. It was the greatest experience of my life because it pulled me out of my comfort zone and gave me an invaluable connection to the people at FOX Sports West that would provide many future opportunities. 

3.     What are some tips and tricks that have helped you improve on camera?

 WATCH YOURSELF over and over again. It's so uncomfortable to sit in the editing room and watch yourself, but it is so necessary. When you're on camera there are so many things that come into play, nerves, stress, how is the athlete going to respond, outside noise and distractions, but when you are just sitting in a quiet room watching your interview back, all of that goes away and you're able to really critique yourself and find ways to get better. Similar to athletes watching film!

4.     When it comes to digital hosting and reporting you are great at showcasing your personality! What advice do you have for those that want to be digital hosts / reporters?

Thank you!! That is so sweet and means a lot to me because it's something that doesn't always come naturally to me. I am a little bit on the shyer side and I was always concerned with coming off perfect on camera.  Meaning, having the perfect follow up question, not looking down at a script, having everything memorized and smiling through it all. I learned that that didn't work for me because I had NO personality while doing it. I had to throw out the script, come in prepared with only one question so I could let the conversation flow, which ultimately allowed my personality to come out. It's still something I am trying to improve on today! 

5.     What are some of your go-to on-air beauty products?

 Oh!! GREAT question. I am still traumatized by this one situation when I was doing a live hit for our Clippers Pre-game show. I was interviewing someone and the camera light was bright but I also didn't check my face before we started to shoot, I was SO SHINY!  

1. Fenty beauty matte foundation

2. Laura Mercier matte translucent powder

3. Cle de Peau concealer (it's a splurge product)

4. Ardell Eyelashes -110 or demi wispies  

6.     Are you doing anything during the quarantine to get on-camera reps in?

 I just started some cooking videos because I love to cook but I also wanted to learn how to edit. It's a skill that I have been wanting to master. I try to do "stand-ups" for my cooking videos, I notice I'm a little rusty sometimes haha. Any time you can just start filming yourself and see what comes out is always helpful. 

7.     You are an amazing cook and launched “Taylor’s Table” on your Instagram showcasing fun recipes for your followers to make at home! What words of wisdom do you have for someone trying to create their own at home video segment during quarantine? 

 JUST DO IT. To be honest, I was kind of embarrassed to put out the first video because I didn't know what people would think, but I have received an amazing response. I think you need to find something that you love and want to showcase, film all of it, see what parts you think people would be interested in and just put it out. 

8.     What has been your favorite interview, game or event you’ve covered with FOX Sports West?

Wow, this is a tough question! I have a few. My favorite game as a sideline reporter was this year for our Hockey Day in So Cal broadcast. I was able to cover the San Diego Gulls vs Ontario Reign. It was such an exciting game with a crazy ending. It kept me on my toes trying to figure out which team I would be interviewing post-game and it was a really fun broadcast to be a part of.  One of my favorite features we do at FOX Sports West is the ride-along, I had a ride-along with Patrick Beverly and it was one of the BEST and most FUN interviews I have ever had. 

9.     What are you looking forward to the most when sports resume again?

I am looking forward to getting to do what I love again. I'm like everyone else and just appreciating everything even more now that it's been taken away. I'm looking forward to talking with players again, getting creative with my producers and seeing all of the amazing people I get to work with at FOX Sports West. 

10.  What is something you wish you would’ve known when you first started your career? 

How much you will be pushed out of your comfort zone, but also how rewarding it is when you persevere. The amount of preparation that goes into a game when you have absolutely no idea what the outcome will be, what interviews you'll have, or the reaction you will get from a player/ coach can be overwhelming.  But then you learn to build the story quickly based on what you're seeing, storyline, game flow etc. It ends up being so rewarding when you have an interview that really contributes to the broadcast, so it makes it all worth it. 

You can follow Taylor on Instagram and Twitter!